Your Business, Your Document Titles
Some may call it terminology, others may say it’s an industry jargon, or maybe it is the local practice? no matter why, it is quite common that in different companies same documents are named differently. For example A/R invoice is sometimes referred to as “Customer Invoice” and Goods Return as “A/P Return”.
To ensure everyone in the business are aligned and feel “at home” in the system, SAP Business One enables you to change document names:

In “Document Numbering – Setup” window enter the required name for the relevant documents in the “Change Menu Names” column, and choose Update. The document entry on the Main Menu and the title of the document window are updated accordingly. In the following example, we have changed “A/R Invoice” to “Customer Invoice”:

Note that this function is available only when the option “Permit More than One Document Type per Series” in Company Details > Basic Initialization tab is not selected.
Available in SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA and SAP Business One.
From Ari Schapira | LinkedIn