Add Special Lines to Document Lines
I’m not sure where I got this information, maybe it was someone else’s wisdom, but I’ve found that “You should never be too careful” is a good advice, especially when it comes to business. For example, a sales quote prepared for a new client: you may have shared all the details and prices during a meeting or call, and even when the client receives the document, some questions may still arise. To achieve this, SAP Business One allows you to incorporate special line types onto marketing documents, with the aim of increasing the clarity and transparency of the respective documents:

When the “Type” column is selected in the document table, it’s possible to define a special type for the given line, – “Text” to add a line of text, where it specifies and emphasizes any important information related to the products above or below; “Alternative”- indicates that the product that appears in this line is an alternative item and should not be included in the document total (this type is only available in Sales Quotation); “Subtotal” to add a subtotal when necessary, for example in the case of a long list of items, or when there are groupings of products for different types or purposes- for example, subtotal for garden furniture and subtotal for garden lightning.
Available in SAP Business One and SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA.
Written by Ari Schapira